Graduation Ceremony of the AMI Montessori Teacher Training Course 0-3 - Module 4
On May 17, 2024, the Graduation Ceremony of the AMI Montessori Teacher Training Course for the 0-3 age group – Module 4 took place in a warm and intimate atmosphere at the Montessori Vietnam Education Center (MVEC). This event marked a significant milestone, signifying the completion of a journey filled with dedication and enthusiasm from all participants.
On April 29, 2024, Montessori Vietnam Education (MVEC), Tiny Flower Montessori (TFM), the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), and the Montessori Training Center Northeast (MTCNE) solemnly...
After six weeks of dedicated and inspiring learning, the Montessori AMI 0-3 Teacher Training Course – Module 3, organized by Montessori Vietnam Education (MVEC), Tiny Flower Montessori (TFM), the...