Montessori Activities

Welcome the students of Montessori Casa 3-6 teacher training course

In November 2019, TFM School is very pleased to welcome Vietnamese as well as foreign students who are attending the first Montessori Casa 3-6 teacher training course in Vietnam to practice Montessori teaching method.

Tiny Flower Montessori School (TFM) is the companion and in collaboration with Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, The Association Montessori International (AMI) and Northeastern Montessori Training Center (MTCNE) implement a standard environment of observation and practice for students according to the standards of the Association Montessori International (AMI).

Experiencing this practicum, The students were able to build up the full awareness to effectively apply the Montessori education model suitable for children aged 3-6 according to the Montessori philosophy and method of education.


Chương trình thứ bảy Images trans

Chương trình thứ bảy

Chương trình thứ bảy

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CHƯƠNG TRÌNH NGOẠI KHÓA THỨ 7- OPEN DAY (09-09-2023) Images trans


Hoạt động sẽ diễn ra vào ngày 09-09-2023 sắp tới. Trường mầm non Bông Hoa Nhỏ rất mong phụ huynh dành thời gian tham gia các hoạt động cùng con để có một...

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