Field trip to the Saigon Zoo

The kids had so much fun going to the zoo with their friends and teachers. Daddy and Mommy, let me tell you about our field trip to the Saigon Zoo this morning.

The kids had so much fun going to the zoo with their friends and teachers.

Daddy and Mommy, let me tell you about our field trip to the Saigon Zoo this morning.

We had so much fun meeting many "new friends" like the elephants, the bears, the goats, the tigers, the giraffes with their long necks and many different kinds of bird.

We walked around the zoo thanks to the nice weather today.

Group picture at the Saigon Zoo 

Observing the elephants

Feeding the goats

The kids can't take their eyes off the white tigers

Get on the sightseeing train for a tour around the zoo

The kids enjoy their lunch 


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Chương trình thứ bảy

Chương trình thứ bảy

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