Montessori Activities


Maria Montessori was a pioneering scientist and educator, who has inspired people globally with her genuinely universal approach to the development of the child. Today, Montessori education is applied across all ages, from birth to eighteen and through to adulthood, in more than 140 countries across the world.

31 August 2020 is 150 years since the birth of Maria Montessori. Montessori was ahead of her time in her research, educational approach and pioneering work for social reform. The work of Montessori today continues to motivate people to change the world for the better and has impacted the lives of children and teachers for more than 110 years.

2020 is a year to celebrate her amazing legacy of Montessori education, as well as her commitment to advocating for the human rights of the child, a cause which is continued through the work of the Educateurs sans Frontières. To mark the 2020 anniversary, a special event will be held in her birth place, Chiaravalle, Italy on 31 August 2020 and there will be a major international conference in Rome on 24 and 25 October 2020.





Chương trình thứ bảy Images trans

Chương trình thứ bảy

Chương trình thứ bảy

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CHƯƠNG TRÌNH NGOẠI KHÓA THỨ 7- OPEN DAY (09-09-2023) Images trans


Hoạt động sẽ diễn ra vào ngày 09-09-2023 sắp tới. Trường mầm non Bông Hoa Nhỏ rất mong phụ huynh dành thời gian tham gia các hoạt động cùng con để có một...

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